Friday, March 31, 2017

Don't Forget About Breakfast

Remember when your mom used to make you eat breakfast before leaving the house? Well, it turns out that there are many reasons people should eat breakfast.
But first, everyone should know what the word breakfast means. One article on says that the word means “to break the fast between dinner and the meal eaten after a person wakes up in the morning.” Maybe this is why breakfast is the most important meal of the day. The article also says that eating breakfast could keep someone from overeating. This makes sense because a person will become so hungry throughout the morning and eat a huge lunch. This can then lead to obesity problems. Click here to read more about it.
Eating a healthy breakfast (key word, healthy), could also lower a persons’ cholesterol level and improve concentration and performance in the classroom or boardroom, according to WebMd.
A person is most likely to be in a better mood if they have eaten breakfast. An article found on said people “’are also likely to be happier and less grouchy when [they] aren’t distracted by hunger pangs.’” Click here to read that article.

Remember in the last blog written, a better mood could lead to a longer and healthier life. So eat a healthy breakfast every day!

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