Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Better Read Those Books

Well, all those people encouraging us to read more book may actually have some real benefits. Studies have shown that people who read live longer and have a better memory.
An article on explains that reading can improve memory because people who read have more complex minds. Also, reading the book is better than watching the movie version because reading works different parts of the brain that can help with language and vision. That same article also suggests reading can reduce stress levels. Researchers found that just six minutes of reading can help reduce stress levels by 68%. That’s a big number!
Another benefit is that reading can give you more energy while working out. Reader's Digest gives the example that a person is more likely to stay on an exercise machine when they are reading an interesting book. This because they do not want to stop reading the captivating chapter in the book.

The local news station in Hattiesburg recently covered a story about reading improving health. The video said one study found that “older adults who read regularly or played mentally challenging games were two and a half times less likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease.” Click here to watch the entire video.

Oral Health

Dental, or oral, health is often looked over when trying to maintain a healthy body. Also, many people do not go to the dentist until they are in pain, when they should go about twice a year.
Everyone knows that not maintaining a healthy mouth can lead to cavities, especially in children. However, there are other problems that can occur as well. World Health Organization says that the most common oral diseases are dental cavities, periodontal (gum) disease, oral cancer, and more. Click here to learn more about each disease.
One serious disease caused is oral cancer. WebMD explains that oral cancer comes from a growth or sore in the mouth that does not go away and can include the lip, tongue, floor of the mouth and other places. The article explains that eating a well-balanced diet, not smoking, and limiting time in the sun can prevent oral cancer.

MedlinePlus summarizes the best way to keep a healthy mouth. A person should brush their teeth and floss daily, limit the amount of sugary snacks, don’t smoke or chew tobacco, and see a dentist regularly. Click here to read about dental health.

Monday, May 1, 2017

Summer is Around the Corner

With summer break being around the corner for many students, I decided to write about tips to stay healthy over the summer.
WebMD provides eight tips on how to stay healthy. One tip suggests adding mixed berries to a person’s diet every day to improve the diet. They also suggest to go outside for hikes or go swimming. These are great activities that can be done with children or extended families every day or on vacations. Click here to read the rest of the tips.
Another article recommends adding healthier meals such as grilled veggies or fruit salad to the summer menu. The author even provides different types of food that will be much healthier at barbeques and picnics. Click here to learn more. said to stay cool and hydrated and to protect yourself from the sun. An interesting tip was to drink at least two to four cups of water after waking up. Also, it is always great to travel with a bottle of water, especially in extremely hot cities. Wearing a hat and using sunscreen without excessive chemicals can protect you from overexposure. They also said aloe plants in the home can soothe sunburns.

Tasty Strawberries

Over the weekend, I bought some strawberries for my son to see if he would like them. He is very picky when it comes to fruit. He has not tried them yet. Strawberries are often not the first type of fruit someone thinks of when they think of fruit, but they are actually pretty healthy.
I learned that strawberries can help with allergies and asthma on The site said that the anti-inflammatory effects of quertcetin may alleviate runny nose and watery eyes. My son has bad allergies, so maybe the strawberries can help this if he likes them.
Along with this, strawberries can also improve eye care and bring relief from high blood pressure and arthritis. The antioxidants are able to relieve the pain. Click here to read all about the benefits.
The nutritional facts found on prove that strawberries are very healthy. The fruit is made up of 91% water and 7.7% of carbohydrates. Click here for the full list of nutritional facts.